Sunday, February 3, 2013

You Manhole!

No. ... And if anything, I'm right at the right place. And if it was fake, would anyone do it? On switching a bag on a loaded flight to the missing planes Baggage claim and loading it at an airport? No, huh? For the record, Jan27, 2013.
  How about a cartoon of a red haired female with a hair bun on. A nurse in white, kicking the White Spy's little ass, the message spilling down the page with a featured 'New Age' Mayan woman, mid thirtys. From dribbling down the page into the inspiration line, a blurb drops out, requesting a Aztec King. Spitty splatting in an interview, the words become tangible in the last remaining Jaws of Defeat and Death. This would all be sub-narrated in a corner of the third page with the Aztec King by a deep diving penguin that never walked off from getting a Casino Comp from a Raccoon with its head stuck in a manhole cover.