Friday, April 27, 2012
Thinking about this geek vote and all,That's Greek, oh, ok.
3750 words 1 farts pulls blanket over Person 2 and yells “Dutch oven!” twitter? Bill O’Reilly, your thots, & now to JL, Imagine that. Enforcing civil rights laws and helping rebuild the Republican Party in the South, an effort that resulted in the election of Blacks to Congress your profile →And where do your children learn from?TweetsFavoritesFollowingFollowersListsAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushYo Momma is out! ▸ Top stories today via @debbiebjork @boudoirprive @ascendio @clickcashdaily @dreamspublicity2 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bush Dutch oven 555 up, 344 down1. Colloquially, a “game”16 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bushin bed. person 1 farts pulls blanket over Person 2 and yells “Dutch oven!” twitter? Bill O’Reilly, your thots, & now to JL, Imagine that.18 minutes ago Saul Of Taurus- (The Messenger) by ForToday! shameless soliciting minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bush “Dede als a dore-nayle doune was he fallen”31 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushPiers is considered by many to be one of the early works of Eng-literature with and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight during the Middle Ages.32 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bushthree allegorical characters, Dowel (“Do-Well”), Dobet (“Do-Better”), and Dobest (“Do-Best”).34 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushThe narrator’s intense quest for the true Chrn-life, from the perspective of mediæval Cats. This quest entails a series of dream-visions35 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushPiers Plowman (written ca. 1360–1387) or Visio Willelmi de Petro Plowman (William’s Vision of Piers Plowman) minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bush“Fey withouten fait is febelore þen nouȝt, And ded as a dore-nayl”,38 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushNooo, the Amazons were part of this.. minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bushthen again, as gauche as ‘Dr. House’ said hey you Amazons are not F-Warriors w/1 breast off, to shoot the bow & arrow39 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bushwow, thinking about this greek vote and all . pitcher Dock Ellis, hurled a no-hitter while under the influence of LSD.43 minutes agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bush@@southernmax yea, ok, i was just thinkin nobody reads the timeline on your own twitter account more thoroughly than your own self.1 hour agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushYour an imposter, Einstein, you hear me!!!1 hour agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker Bushthe guy that wrote about @judylynncin Except for people like HIPPOLYTUS, son of Theseus and Antiope, an Amazon, he’s smart. effin EInstien1 hour agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushHe’s smart???its bullshit. in order to prove that his theory is correct, they have to say , you can’t divide by zero, so his theory works,1 hour agoAll G. Walker Bushcorvetteflex All G. Walker BushEinstein, you freakin pasty eyed smoking gun. What’de ya do stick you finger in a light socket to improve your memory.
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